We Are In This Together
March 22, 2020
As we find ourselves in these very confusing and difficult times, we have stepped back these past couple of days to gather our thoughts and put things into perspective. Some of you may have seen companies and small businesses asking for your support by purchasing their products or service. Yes, it is important so that people continue to be employed and have the ability to provide for their families. But most importantly, before you do, take care of yourself and your loved ones. With the uncertainty of how this will impact the economy and jobs, it’s important to be smart and conserve enough money for basic needs until this is over.
Being that we’re a small independent brand we don’t have significant expenses or people relying on this for a living. Instead of asking you to purchase any of our products we wanted to share some resources for financial help, education, and entertainment to hold you down. And as most of us find ourselves with a significant amount of time on our hands, we’d like to encourage you to work on that project you’ve had in the back of your mind, pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read, or do things to improve your well being like stretching or meditating.
With respect to our future plans, in the midst of us working on our 1-year anniversary collection, much of the world seems to have been brought to a halt. Therefore making it unclear if our planned release date would be a smart move. We will continue to analyze the situation and act accordingly. We are excited to share the projects we’ve been working on with you. As always, thank you for your ongoing support, and remember we are in this together.
Below are links to some resources for financial help, education, and entertainment:
Free meals provided by the NYC Department of Education
Food Bazaar employment application
Free internet access for students provided by Spectrum Or call 1-855-243-8892 to sign up
Free 30-day storage for students provided by U-Haul Or call 1-800-GO-UHAUL
Black History Library on Google Drive
Access free ebooks and audiobooks with your New York Public Library Card
Free access to the JSTOR library
Free movies and series https://soap2day.to Some films that have kept us entertained include classics like Forrest Gump, The Little Rascals, Like Mike, and series like The Boondocks, and Who Killed Malcolm X?
Podcast recommendations:
Business of Hype hosted by Jeff Staple An interview series that dives into the successful careers of well-known creatives, brand-builders and entrepreneurs from various corners of youth culture. Our favorite episodes include Kerby Jean-Raymond of Pyer Moss, Shirt- Rapper, Artist, Maker of Things, and Bobby & Ben Hundreds of The Hundreds.
Relentless Podcast A podcast about the pursuit of farfetched ideas, unusual aspirations, or that perfect pair of sneakers. Our favorite season 2, an interview series with Brendon Babenzein founder of Noah NY delving into their process and the importance of responsible business practices.
The Rich Roll Podcast Each week Rich delves deep into all things wellness with some of the brightest and most forward thinking, paradigm busting minds in health, fitness, nutrition, art, entertainment, entrepreneurship & spirituality. One of the most eye opening episodes is ep. 353 Zach Bush, M.D. on GMO’s, Glyphosate & Healing The Gut, discussing the massive and misunderstood impact of industrial farming, chemical pesticides, the pharmaceutical industry and even errant Western medical practices have on both human and planetary health.